So I was Blog stalking today. A friend of mine from college Lindsay Hege posted about looking back one year. She inspired me to look back at what was happening in our lives. Approximately one year ago I was blogging about.....POOP! Well not all about Poop, but more so Garrett's vocabulary and linking words...Enter blog title Bye Bye Poop! Wow have we come a long way in his vocabulary and the things he does and says. But boy does that boy get funnier everyday! Here' looking back one year to...POOP!
Bye, Bye Poop! August 19, 2009
Ok, so as I promise this is not about potty training rather some new developments in Garrett's vocabulary and speech! I was reading up on the development of a child at 20 months, the information that I read said that a child Garrett's age typically has about 10-20 words that they understand, can speak and use in the correct context. So the other day I decided to write down all the things he has been saying lately. Bill and I have been counting, he has over 30 words that he uses. We have noticed that his vocabulary has taken off since we have been at home together. I am not sure if it is timing or the difference in the teacher, but I am excited.
One of Garrett's favorite new words is "bye-bye" he says it to everyone, as we go down the isles at the grocery store he tell products and people bye-bye. He even told the lady at the check out counter bye-bye before we put the first item up on the check out. I have since informed him that he has to say hello before he can say goodbye to everyone. We are still working on this. One of Garrett's favorite shows is Jack's Big Music Show on Noggin (if you are a parent, check it out, so cute and includes some parent humor too). Anyways, at the end of the show they sing a good bye song. I have been trying to get Garrett to say bye-bye Jack at the end of the show each day. Coincidentally, he did get a chance to tell a real Jack bye-bye the other day and has started to link the item and person with his bye-bye's.
Enter story title here: We went outside to play on our new swing set this morning and were out having a great time, when I realized that Ruby (our dog) had left us a present right under one of the swings. I quickly stopped Garrett and asked him to come with me to get something to pick up the poop. We came back out to clean up the poop and as I was cleaning, Garrett says, Bye-bye Poop! Bye-bye! I just about died laughing. I told him later that we needed to include this as we went poo poo on the potty. No joke the next time we went to the bathroom, he sat down and said, bye-bye poop! While no business took place, I just had to laugh. That boy is too smart!
In The Field 2 conference
3 months ago
Hi Dayna! Glad my blog post inspired you to look back. I thought it was fun too :-) I hope you all are doing well!
It's kind of cool to take a trip down memory lane. Can you believe how big your "little man" is getting?
It's kind of cool to take a trip down memory lane. Can you believe how big your "little man" is getting?
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