I am now 20 weeks pregnant, half way there is what my book says. This little guy is pretty active, he is constantly moving and kicking, everyone described it as a flutter or bubble feeling inside of you, I think it feels more like a really strong pulse from inside your belly yet not consistent either that or someone flicking you from the inside. My book says, "The baby may be roused from sleep by external sounds or movements: sudden loud noises, loud music, event the vibrations of a car or washing machine can stir the baby into action."
I am pretty pooped as we tried to clean out the spare bedroom so that we can start the prep work for the nursery. We stopped by Hobby Lobby and got a life preserver with a mirror inside of it and a wooden anchor to hang on the wall. Both will help us to pull off the nautical theme we are going for. I am still in search of black and whites of sail boats, if anyone knows where to get them let me know. Anyways, better go, Bill has made some burgers on his new grill.
In The Field 2 conference
3 months ago
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