The belly is swelling! While the picture may be deceiving, it is definitely growing. I am noticing Garrett moving around more and more and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in is trying. Poor Bill, I think he is a little frustrated with the body pillow I sleep with. Last week he made the comment that it is like having a third person in bed with us and now that I am pregnant it adds to the room I need while sleeping. I don't know if he will make it sharing a bed with me while I am nine months pregnant. We will see. For now he just works on stealing the covers. I get the bed room, he gets the covers. I actually woke up in the middle of the night when he was trying to reposition the covers, I moaned out of a dead sleep, NOOOOO don't steal my covers. He laughed and said that he wasn't trying to, just making it so that we can both have them. We both got a good laugh out of it in the morning.
I don't know if you have ever been pregnant before or your spouse has, but the dreams come frequently while you are. I have been dreaming the weirdest things in the last month and at least two dreams that I remember a night. They involve everyone, from people I haven't talked to in ages, to people I work with, family and friends as well as Bill. It is crazy the things that you dream! Bill keeps trying to figure out if there is anxiety related to these dreams or if they mean anything. From what I have read they are just the hormones going crazy.
Tomorrow I go for my next check-up I will be one week shy of 6 months. I can't believe I am almost 6 months pregnant, it seems like yesterday that we found out we were going to have a baby. Wow the changes that can happen. For now we continue to prep the house to get ready to share our lives with a new little one. This weekend has been pretty uneventful, just house chores and running around. We stopped off at the botanical gardens on our way home from church this morning, we really liked the location it seemed like it would be a beautiful place to get married. We will start the works to get information on weddings and events there. We both agreed this was the kind of place we wanted to get married. Anyways that is all the excitement for one week.
In The Field 2 conference
3 months ago
I spent the better part of the last few months of my first pregnancy on the couch. It was just too annoying, flipping from side to side, moving that body pillow around. The sofa seemed to work really well. Since it has a back, it was really helpful in supporting my back. So, you may be longing for the sofa pretty soon! Bill may get lonely, but think of it this way: in a few months, neither of you will be sleeping well (or through the night) so get your best sleep now!
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